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18th February 2025 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens at my first appointment?

The first session gives you an opportunity to explore what brings you for couple counselling or individual therapy. I will take a few details and explain how the process works, and you can decide if you want further appointments on the day, or you can have a think and let me know.

How often will I have appointments?

Sessions take an hour and usually take place once a week. The number of sessins depends on you and is discussed at the initial session when an agreed number of sessions is arranged. For example couples attend on average 6 - 12 sessions.
Individual therapy is tailored to your individual needs, some individuals want a shorter number of sessions when experiencing a particularly stressful time in their lives, others may want longer term.

Could I come for Couple Counselling without my partner?

Ideally I would see you both for couple counselling as the relationship is formed between you, however if your partner does not want to attend you can attend on you own.

Is what I say confidential?

Yes what is dicussed during your session remains private and confidential and is not shared with any other individual or organisation. The only time confidentiality is broken is in exceptional circumstances, where there is a serious risk of harm to yourself or to others. If this situation arose I would try to involve you in any action that would need to be taken to ensure your safety and of others.

Do you comply with any recognised standards?

I abide by the Code of Ethics of the Welsh Psychotherapy Partnership in association with the Scarborough Psychotherapy Training Institute which is an accredited member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy(UKCP)

If you have any other questions please email or ring/text me